I look at a lot of characteristics in Software Developers for my clients and I still find it extremely challenging to find the right balance of skills and character for me to represent someone. [...]
The unrelenting thirst for us to pour as much data about ourselves into the vaults at Facebook has created the perfect nesting ground for Data Scientists to gather with thoughtful fingers tapping [...]
To date, most serious machine learning tools and efforts have been assembled around internal bespoke systems which have to make sense of insane amounts of unstructured data. Now Amazon has [...]
Stanford University Computer Systems Colloquium hold live talks throughout the academic year which are open to the public and last Tuesday saw Carey Nachenberg of Symantec and UCLA CS as guest [...]
Cancer currently accounts for roughly 13% of all deaths globally and, interestingly, this statistic is the same across developed and undeveloped countries where the best chance of effective [...]
Netflix invests considerable resources into Deep Learning in order to create a service which gives users what they want, ideally before they know it. That is to say modestly, using resources [...]
A collection of resources, blog posts and links on various technologies from around the web this week. JavaScript Sneaky JavaScript techniques for quick fixes Replace Coffeecript with ES6 [...]
Daeil Kim is a Data Scientist at the New York Times, a role which has crystallised his research work into the niche between Machine Learning and Journalism. Kim spoke at the New York Data Science [...]
If we could start the world over again with the capabilities we have today, what would it look like? Tim O’Reilly explores some examples of improving real world workflows with the power of [...]