The unrelenting thirst for us to pour as much data about ourselves into the vaults at Facebook has created the perfect nesting ground for Data Scientists to gather with thoughtful fingers tapping [...]
Ted Willke’s work at Intel Labs has seen him use well known toolsets to bring order to the chaos of big data, guiding his teams through massive updates to graph based machine learning and [...]
Tom Dale from the Ember core team talks Data, CLI, Promises and convention over configuration.
The popular benchmark banded around about Apache Spark‘s machine learning library MLlib is that it is ten times faster than Hadoop based Apache Mahout as an environment for building [...]
How do you explain the popularity of Docker? By comparing it to Fernando Alonso of course. Mandy Waite has become a popular torch bearer on the cloud circuit as Developer Advocate at Google and [...]
As the world of software development continues to roll around in the flexibility and portability that has been enabled by Docker with containers, the community’s most recognised people [...]
The furious rise of Japanese news app SmartNews, which has become the country’s most downloaded news app, is starting to see it’s popularity quickly cross the Pacific into the [...]