Applying Natural Language Parsing to Ruby Code – Ruby on Ales, Hsing-Hui Hsu

Home / Home / Applying Natural Language Parsing to Ruby Code – Ruby on Ales, Hsing-Hui Hsu

Seattle RailsBridge Meetup group was formed with RailsBridge’s goal of increasing gender diversity in the Rails community whilst conducting workshops primarily aimed at helping women learn and improve with Ruby and Ruby on Rails from all levels of knowledge, from ‘I have no idea’ to ‘not another recruiter email’. The philosophy is that the cross section of backgrounds of people making tech should reflect that of the people that use it.

The latest RailsBridge workshop was hosted by web consultancy Nird off the back of this months Ruby on Ales conference in Bend, Oregon, a two day event crammed with Ruby talks, lots of social and lots of.. ale.

Talks this year included an analysis by Hsing-Hui Hsu on how the rules of human instinctive parsing of natural languages can be applied to computer science and how parsers can be used as a faster way of getting tasks done accurately whilst other talks in the schedule included Mike Moore’s ‘Stupid Ruby Tricks” with the explanation ‘Ruby is awesome. We all love Ruby. And Ruby loves us. We shouldn’t abuse Ruby. Well, maybe a little‘, ‘The Recipe for the World’s Largest Rails Monolith’ by Akira Matsuda, ‘Dream: an Animation in Ruby’ by Chris Dillon and an approach on writing Ruby by Nickolas Means called ‘How to Code Like a Writer’.

Go to Confreaks YouTube page to check out more of the awesome talks.

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