A collection of resources, blog posts and links on various technologies from around the web this week.
Sneaky JavaScript techniques for quick fixes
Clojure/Functional Programming
Getting the hang of (map) by Clojure Geek
Otto.de recent release of Clojure microservices to Github
Walmart Labs, San Francisco looking for Clojure Engineer
ClojureScript minimal dev vs production setup
React.js Conf 2015 – Refracting React
Grafana 2.0, the future and raintank
Why We Threw 4 Months of Work in the Trash; or How we failed at OpenStack
Exploring Elasticsearch – A human friendly tutorial for Elasticsearch
Ruby on Rails
Latest Rails commits and pull requests
Partial template name does no more have to be a valid Ruby identifier
Setting up Ember.js (ember-cli) with Rails Edition
10 easy to fix Ruby/Ruby on Rails mistakes
Data Science
(Deep Learning’s Deep Flaws)’s Flaws