Brewbot Automates Brewing Beer From Your Smartphone

Home / Home / Brewbot Automates Brewing Beer From Your Smartphone

Anyone that has brewed beer from home will know how tough it can be to produce beer that not only tastes good but is consistent across batches. Even extract kit beers can be tricky let alone brewing from scratch. Cue Brewbot, a bunch of Designers and Developers from Northern Ireland that love to brew.

They have created an app which allows brewers to better regulate times, temperatures and send alerts to the brewer throughout the process essentially automating everything that is able to be automated.

Brewbot connects with an app which controls the process packaged into one machine starting with precision filling of the boil kettle and making sure the water is heated to the correct temperature, all displayed on the app, before transferring the water to the mashtun for brewers to add grain to make the mash. The wort is then transferred back to the boil kettle before being sent for fermentation in a separate tank.

In order to lure potential investors, the guys from Brewbot used, well… beer. In summer last year they organised a 5 day tour of some of the best breweries in Ireland giving participants the chance to meet brewers and find out more about the process at different breweries as well as, of course, drinking beer.

As well as $200,000 of funding through Kickstarter, by October time they had secured more than $1.5m in funding for the project. Founder Chris Clelland has worked hard with breweries to gain industry expertise, a move which could see Brewbot being able to sell products to home brewers and commercial breweries.


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