When Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia pushed the code for the first Airbnb deployment in their San Francisco apartment, they had no users to release to. Fast forward four crowded years which included [...]
American country singer Willie Nelson reckons it was disgusting how everyone treated Lance Armstrong, especially after what he achieved, winning seven Tour de France titles whilst on [...]
Gregg Pollack is the face and Founder of Envy Labs, a web development crew based in Orlando, Florida. Envy Labs not only practice what they preach for making things work, they also encourage [...]
Painfully, we still live in a world where your GitHub, Bitbucket or personal project and LinkedIn profile may need to be accompanied by a resume. Here are a few pointers Don’t ship it too [...]
Why there are no three-headed monsters, resolving some problems with brain tumours, divorce prediction and how to save marriages – James D Murray
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Professor James D Murray, Professor Emeritus of Mathematical Biology, University of Oxford and Senior Scholar, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Princeton University, gives the annual Hooke [...]
A portrait of the contribution that Bryce McLeod has made to mathematics over his career together with his recollections of formative people and events. Interview by Professor Sir John Ball FRS, [...]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipi scing elit sed eu ante eget nisl convallis tempus phasellus ante lectus nocicnt tincunt dui rhoncus interdum est sed molestie quis augue ac attis [...]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipi scing elit sed eu ante eget nisl convallis tempus phasellus ante lectus nocicnt tincunt dui rhoncus interdum est sed molestie quis augue ac attis [...]
Alexi ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipi scing elit sed eu ante eget nisl convallis tempus phasellus ante lectus nocicnt tincunt dui rhoncus interdum est sed molestie quis augue ac attis [...]
Dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipi scing elit sed eu ante eget nisl convallis tempus phasellus ante lectus nocicnt tincunt dui rhoncus interdum est sed molestie quis augue ac attis felis mauris [...]