If you need a bit of guidance with knowing how to get your machine learning project off the ground and who to hire, this talk might give some pointers. Facebook Engineering Manager Ewa Dominowska [...]
Last week’s SF Big Analytics Meetup featured two talks by Christopher Berner of Facebook as well as Mohitdeep Singh from Rdio talking about non-parametric bayesian approaches which allow [...]
STX Next are predominantly a Python shop based out of Poland that offer superhero like problem solving capability with the premise that clients get full live access to the scrum board and [...]
The sorcery of work in machine learning systems nowadays owes itself to a pedigree of pioneers in artificial intelligence, mathematics and computer science that laid the flagstones for others to [...]
The leaves are rustling at Project Oxford, the Microsoft venture which offers a portfolio of Rest APIs and SDKs which give developers the tools to be able to add intelligent services to their [...]
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