Splunk Guys in Germany Take Deutsche Bahn Hackathon

Home / Big Data / Splunk Guys in Germany Take Deutsche Bahn Hackathon

Being a fan of all things German and having lived in Frankfurt some time ago, I couldn’t help sharing the pride of the Splunk team that won the Deutsche Bahn Hackathon in order to help the German rail operator understand how to optimize it’s infrastructure by making use of it’s vast amounts of data.

The Splunk team used structured and unstructured data from sensors placed on tracks to try and make sense of how the infrastructure of DB deteriorates through visualizations.

Günther Schwaninger said, “we would have worked on this for weeks, maybe longer” and having also correctly predicted which track routes had the most deviations, what’s the betting that Splunk’s technology is featured on DB’s main menu in future.



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