How To Get A Standing Ovation For A Startup Pitch – HowFactory Pitch, Iowa

Home / Home / How To Get A Standing Ovation For A Startup Pitch – HowFactory Pitch, Iowa

You came up with the killer idea, you’ve nailed the technology, you put in untold all nighters, focussed on the long game, you’re ready to unveil the next big thing to the world. How do you communicate the passion for the idea that has got you this far to the yes men?

HowFactory gave a classic sales pitch at Built by Iowa that not only sold to a need but was fun as hell starting with founder CEO Trace Steffen rocking out to Disturbed’s Down with Sickness, just in case any of the money men may have been asleep!

HowFactory addresses process improvement in the workplace, mainly factories that still rely on ring binders for documenting process, procedures and training. That is, ring binders which are often dogearedly consigned to the back of a cupboard somewhere.

The HowFactory platform allows employees to share and capture information, also allowing users to amend procedure immediately via an administrator by taking photos and simply dragging and dropping the image into the appropriate place.

This pitch earned them a $50,000 investment allowing them to build on the small client base that they had accrued at the time of the pitch and it sounded like they have not even started yet. Steffen gave a solid biography explaining his experience in manufacturing with Ford, New Holland, Boeing and Northrop Grumman on top of the deep training experience of COO Kenny Stevenson.

Most importantly, Steffen did a great job in defining the market that they are in at an early stage and what they plan on targetting as ‘process guys’ – the $60bn manufacturing market. Now if that doesn’t wake an investor up, nothing will!


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