Runnable “The YouTube of Code”

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What do you get when you cross Github, Codeacademy and Google? Answer, Runnable, the brainchild of Yash Kumar, an ex Amazon engineer who saw the tedium in communicating with other developers through a forest of APIs. Kumar analogises the advent of a faster search for code with the Industrial Revolution and as companies contribute more to the open source community through their own APIs, products are able to be developed faster by assembling existing components, rather than writing a whole bunch of new code to do the same thing that people have done before.

Instead of spending time searching for code usually with Google as a starting point, Runnable becomes the starting point and allows developers to search for code without having to set up a test environment to see it run, similar to the way YouTube revolutionised the way we watch online video, saving a lot of time for developers. The way this is done is to set up a lightweight virtual machine for each section of code, something which has become increasingly cheaper and allows users to upload, share and search for code, modules, copy and paste code and edit and run code from a choice of languages such as Java, C++, Ruby on Rails, Nodejs, Dart, jQuery and so on.

To summarise Runnable –

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